Welcome to Year 3/4 with Mrs Sparshott! 


Throughout our writing lessons, students have access to creating a variety of written genres, including narratives, persuasive texts, letters, poetry and informative documents. Swansea Primary have recently adopted a new PLD literacy program for spelling and reading development. We are in the early stages of implementation and are delighted to be rolling this out in Term 4 this year.


We love learning using a variety of methods in Maths. Hands on learning, using an array of digital and concrete materials, allows children to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts as a whole learner. Swansea Primary facilitate the development of problem-solving strategies to solve real world problems, developing skills that can be transferred many different contexts.


Science takes on many forms at Swansea Primary! We love being able to conduct experiments and learn through hands-on activities, making predictions and proving or disproving them, while notating our evidence. We participate in a number of excursions throughout the year that develop our scientific knowledge in our community. We have enjoyed trips to Hagley Farm Visitor Education Centre, The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens in Hobart and many trips to our local beaches and within our community.


In Year 3/4, we make many connections to Country with a focus on our Tasmanian Aboriginal community and ancestry. We have also made connections with our local area by exploring and comparing historical and current images of our town. We have recreated buildings using a variety of natural materials and made links across curriculum areas to design and bring these to life.

Sporting and Extra-Curricular

The beginning of Grade 3 sees an array of new and exciting activities to participate in. SPSSA athletics, cross country and swimming all feature on the sporting calendar, as well as gala days with our local neighbouring schools. Grade 3/4’s also participate in excursions and events with the Grade 5/6 class, sharing in the learning as an upper school group.