Dear parents, families, students and community members,
Students in Grades 3 and 5 have been undertaking NAPLAN testing over the last 2 weeks. I am proud to say that 100% of students participated in all of the tests. A huge well done to everyone! I was impressed with the maturity that students showed while doing the test and staff are looking forward to using the data to plan for student need when we get the results later in the year.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Swan vs Oyster Athletics Carnival on Friday. Student participation was high and all students displayed fantastic sportsmanship throughout the day. We held a variety of both track and field events and finished the day with a fun whole-school water bucket relay. Our Grade 6 Leaders were excellent helpers during the field events and came up with some exciting chants to share with their peers duiring class time. House spirit was high throughout the day and congratulations to Oyster House for winning the event.
We held our first School Association meeting for the year last week. Current vacant positons are Vice Chair and Treasurer. We are currently seeking more parents and carers to sit on our School Association and you are able to come to the meetings without being assigned a role. We would love to hear more parent and carer voice in our meetings and it is a fantastic way to support the school. If you would like further information, please get in touch with Melissa Quinn at the school office or Josie Dunbabin.
As of the 27th March, I will be on Long Service Leave for the last 12 days of Term 1. I am very excited to be heading to South America for four weeks. While I am away, Anna Heath will be Acting Principal. I hope that everyone has a wonderful last couple of weeks of term and a happy and safe holiday break. The last day for Term 1 is Friday 9th April.
Kind regards,
Anna Knowles