Move Well, Eat Well
Swansea Primary School is an accredited Move Well Eat Well school. We promote the health and wellbeing of students and the whole of school community by making healthy eating and physical activity a regular part of every day.
Our school recognises that the whole of school environment can help students develop healthy habits to live, learn, grow and play.
At SPS our Move Well Eat Well policies include:
- Water only in drink bottles
- Fruit break
- A commitment to physical activity and HPE curriculum
- Participation in healthy initiatives including Ride to School Day and National Walk to School Day
- Healthy lunch provided for free as part of our Community and Sustainable Learning program

If your child is celebrating a birthday and you wish to send something in with your child to celebrate, please be mindful of the following:
- We are unable to accept homemade foods. Individual and commercially prepared foods such as cupcakes, donuts or a bag of chocolate frogs are a great alternative to cakes.
- Please note, due to privacy of information regulations we are not allowed to supply a list of whole class names for birthday parties and party invitations need to be distributed and organised outside of school hours.
Hot Lunch Program
Swansea Primary School offeres a hot lunch program once a week, on a Friday through School Food Matters. This is a free program that provides all students with a hot lunch on this day.
School Food Matters
Breakfast Program
For 2025, we offer a healthy breakfast to all of our students on Mondays and Wednesdays.