General Information


The school uses an online App called SchoolZine to communicate with our school community.  We encourage all our parents to have this App installed on their phone to receive important notifications, the fortnightly newsletter, school calendar and contact us.  If you need assistance with this, please ask at the school office.

Pedestrian Crossing

Parents are asked to stress that when children are walking to and from school that they always use the pedestrian crossing.  The pedestrian crossing is only a pedestrian crossing when the flags are displayed before and after school.  This alerts motorists and it is important that children understand cars may not be automatically stop at other times.


Changes of address and contact details need to be updated on school records to ensure we can contact you in case of emergency.  This information is kept strictly confidential.


If your child requires medication while they are at school, you must meet with your child’s teacher and/or principal to ensure that the school staff are clearly advised on how to give your child their medicine. Medication should only be prescribed during school hours when absolutely necessary. Self-administration of some medication (eg ventolin, EpiPens and insulin) may be authorised by a parent and/or a doctor. In accordance with the Poisons Act, students under 13 should not be self-administering medication unless stated in the medical action and management plans. You must tell the school and provide permission, for any non-prescribed (e.g. panadol) or prescribed medication taken by your child at school.

The school will ask you to: 

  • Complete a written request to the school to administer the medication. You can download this form from the Department’s website at:
  • Provide signed authorisation from your medical practitioner/pharmacist or nurse giving specific instructions for the administration of the medication.
  • Transfer the medication safely to the school.
  • Provide the medication in the originally prescribed containers only.
  • Help prepare a Medical Action Plan and a medical management plan for your child if ongoing medication is required.
  • How you can help?
    • Ask your doctor to prescribe medication doses out of school hours where possible.
    • Ensure that regular scripts are filled on time and the school doesn’t run out of medication.
    • If you think your child may need prescription medications download the form from and take it with you to the doctor’s appointment.


The Swansea Library is a shared facility and is housed within the school.  The facility is open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9.30 am – 12.30pm and 1.15 pm - 4.15 pm.  All students will visit the library with their class weekly.  To register for a library card please call into the library or register online at

Book Club

The school offers a BOOK Club Service through Scholastic Australia regularly throughout the year.  There are different levels offering books to students of all ages.  Book Club brochures will be sent home regularly with students and these include payment options.  We are unable to accept cash orders.


Students are at liberty to ride their bikes to school.  We ask you as parents to ensure your child wears a helmet and they ‘walks’ their bikes in and out of the school grounds using the pedestrian crossing.


A school bus service is available for children who attend Swansea Primary School and live beyond walking distance from the school.  The bus service runs from the Abalone Farm to the South and North to Cranbrook.

Southern Primary Schools Sports Association

All students from grades 3-6 may be selected to participate in the Southern Primary School Sports Association.  The sports available for selection are Athletics, Cross Country, Winter Carnival including football and netball and Swimming throughout the calendar year.


All visitors including Parent Help must sign in at the office on arrival and when departing.  The school office must keep a record of all visitors on site.