It has been a fabulous conclusion to our Swimming and Water Safety Program, with all students and staff fully enjoying the day out at the Oatlands Aquatic Centre. It was wonderful to see the grade 3-6 students in a larger pool being able to demonstrate their skills effectively under the close watch of Dylis and Miss Walch. Our K-2 students thoroughly enjoyed their time in both the splash pool and outdoor area playing games. I must give a huge thank you to Miss Walch, Dylis and Melissa for all the organisation behind the scenes, all the staff for their flexibility in accommodating all students with this wonderful opportunity, our students for their energetic participation and respectful behaviour, our families for helping our young people be so organised and prepared, and finally, the Groves for allowing us to once again use their amazing pool.
This week we have begun our NAPLAN assessments and I have been in awe of the way our grade 3 and 5 students have taken on the challenge with nothing but positivity. Each student in grades 3 and 5 will complete four assessments. Writing and Reading have been completed this week and we will complete Conventions of Language and Numeracy next week. The NAPLAN assessments are very valuable as they allow families and educators to see student progression over time, both individually, as a part of our school community and against national standards. They help us to support our young people further and provide them with suitable learning programs.
Our School Hot Lunch Program has started with a bang! We thank Steve and Linda for their assistance and volunteering their time to run this program. They are being helped by our grade 6 leaders each week and filling our student up with delicious, healthy food.
The School Association AGM has been booked for Tuesday 26th March starting at 4pm at school. This will be followed directly by our first general meeting. We invite all our families to attend – it’s not too late to nominate for a position either! We look forward to seeing many faces on the 26th.
I would just like to remind our families that any student who arrives after 8:50am is considered late to school and must go directly to the office and sign in. This ensures that our attendance is accurate, and all staff are aware of who is onsite or absent. In the case of an emergency, this is vital information, and we must follow processes. Our teachers are now completing their attendance online which links directly to the new EdSmart program that generates the absentee messages, so we must ensure that we are accurate at all times and keeping our young people safe. I also need to inform you that the DECYP does not recognise family holidays (some exclusions apply) as explained absences. These are classified and recorded as unauthorised. We understand that some holidays cannot occur out of school time and can work with you, given enough notice, to ensure your child does not miss vital learning.
Thanks for your continued support,
Kendal King