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The last two weeks have absolutely flown by as I get to know each member of our school community. It has been fabulous to see the classes in action right from the first bell on day one. Students have demonstrated that they value and respect their learning and environment through their interactions, questioning and engagement.
We continue this year with the DECYP system focus and School Improvement Plan (SIP) priority of Reading, with staff completing further training, and students completing beginning of year assessments enabling learning programs across all areas to be targeted at individual student need. We are further encouraging reading within our space through the integration of “Brekky and a Book” each Wednesday and Friday morning in the hall as a whole school. On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings we all participate in morning fitness which is run by the grade six team.
Staff have this week also updated themselves with Mandatory Reporting training as we remain focussed on ensuring the safety and wellbeing of every student. All visitors volunteering or working within the school must also have completed this training prior to being allowed onsite with a legal obligation to report any safety and/or wellbeing concerns through the Advice and Referral Line (ARL) on 1800 000 123. Training is completed online, and further information can be sought from the school office.
This Term we have many events occurring including our Swimming and Water Safety Program, NAPLAN for our grade three and five students, Athletics Carnivals and the announcement of our grade six Leadership team – both SRC and Sports Captains – happening today! Notices will be sent home for upcoming events with all details included. There is also the introduction of weekly Principals Awards beginning today, which will be awarded to one student from each class every Friday, linked to the new DECYP values of Respect, Courage, Connection, Growth and Responsibility.
I would like to sincerely thank families for attending our Open Classrooms and Welcome BBQ on Wednesday evening, it was an amazing turnout! It is vital that we continue to work together in learning to ensure the best possible outcomes for all and I look forward to seeing you throughout the term. I will also take this opportunity to thank the staff for all their contributions to the evening.
Excited for the Term ahead!
Kendal King
Launching into Learning is starting on Tuesday! Come along to our first session in the hall from 11:30am - 12:30pm. This term, sessions will be hosted by Mrs King.
Welcome to 2024
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our Kindergarten students Llewyn Arlo and Toby and to congratulate them on a fantastic start to the school year. These students have already demonstrated the school values of connection, courage, responsibility, growth and respect and we look forward to having them as part of our class on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It was wonderful to see all our Prep students returning to Swansea Primary School with big smiles on their faces ready for an exciting year of learning.
We have been learning about the school value of connection and exploring some of the important of relationships we have. We would like to dedicate this first newsletter introducing our class and sharing their self-portraits. Self-portraits are a fantastic way for students to explore their sense of self and build their self-identity. It’s also a great ways to learn about ourselves, each other and to foster a sense of belonging within the classroom.
We welcome Eowyn to prep this year. She has a friendly nature, is a confident and capable reader, and she has some fantastic dance moves and enjoys art. Eowyn described her favourite thing at school so far as “playing with my friends”.
We welcome Grace to prep this year. This week we have noticed Grace being a kind and caring friend, she has shown courage and persistence when trying new things and has created some beautiful artwork for our classroom. Gace described her favourite thing at school so far as “drawing love hearts”.
We welcome Lucy to prep this year. Lucy has a positive attitude towards learning and is keen to take on the challenges of Prep. This week Lucy had a lot of fun playing creative games with her friends and was very helpful a d kind to others. She described her favourite thing at school so far as “writing”.
We welcome Arlo to Kinder this year. This week we have noticed that Arlo is fantastic at building things out of all kinds of materials. Arlo has been kind to his class mates and has shown responsibility by stepping up and doing the right thing He described his favourite things at school so far as “playing Legos” and “playing with my brother”.
We welcome Indi to prep this year. Indi is an independent learner who has already demonstrated the school value of courage. She is very empathetic and has a great capacity for kindness. Indi described her favourite thing at school so far as “Making paintings and cubbies”.
We welcome Llewyn to Kinder this year. Llewyn is friendly and plays well with lots of different people. Teachers on duty have noticed him following the school rules and standing up for the rights of others. Llewyn described his favourite things at school so far as “playing robots” and “climbing on the big playground”.
We welcome Wyatt to prep this year. This week Wyatt has made us all laugh with his great sense of humour. He has and has persevered to create some amazing structures using construction materials and enjoys playing with cars. Wyatt described his favourite thing at school so far as “playing with all the school kids”.
*Wyatt chose not to have a photo.
We welcome Amelia to prep this year. This week we have noticed Amelia being patient and generous with her classmates. She enjoyed playing creative games with her friends and has a fantastic attitude to learning. Amelia described her favourite thing at school so far as “making art and making people happy from what I do for them”.
We welcome Jaxon to prep this year. This week Jaxon is great at sharing with his friends. He joined in all class activities and made everyone laugh. He described his favourite thing at school so far as “playing Lego” and “with the big trucks”.
We welcome Daisy to prep this year. Daisy has a fantastic attitude towards all school activities. She is creative and has fun playing imaginative games with her friends. Daisy described her favourite thing at school as far as “learning and doing hard work”.
We welcome Toby to Kinder this year. Toby is fun to be around and makes friends easily. He is athletic, strong and very adventurous. Toby is a deep thinker and loyal friend. We look forward to having him in our class this year.
We are looking forward to getting to know you more.
Mrs Wilson & Mrs Wells
Miss Heath and Mrs Wood have had a fantastic time welcoming back our Grade 1/2 students. Everyone has been very eager to see their friends and to welcome our new team member- Adele. This week students undertook a photography project called the Best Part of Me for one of their writing tasks. They are up in the classroom too if you would like to pop in and have a look. We are looking froward to a fun, productive year of learning together.
Grade Three/Four and Five Class
What a beautiful start we have had to the 2024 school year! It was so wonderful to see happy, smiling faces arriving into the classroom, from both returning and new students.
Weeks 1 and 2 saw us with some lovely learning experiences. From first day photos, to getting straight into our spelling and maths, plus Daily PE, Brekky and a Book and Library time, it's been a wonderful time to learn, reflect and share in the joy of being back at school and with our friends.
We've got a busy term 1, so please be sure to keep an eye on the school calendar to see what's coming up!
Sunshine and joy,
Mrs Sparshott
Our School will be switching over to a new messaging platform for communicating with you. This is a new system for Swansea Primary School and will go live on the 4/3/2024.
The new platform, called EdSmart is an Australian platform which is designed to improve communication in school communities by allowing electronic messaging i.e. SMS and emails. For now, it will be used to manage absences messages i.e. you will receive a SMS or email alert if your child is absent from school requesting a response. It will also allow us to send a communication message to all parent/guardians.
The platform will, over time, be rolled out across all Tasmanian Government Schools and new features will be added.
You will receive a text message and/or an email with further details. Note, the text message sender will be a shortened version of our school’s name - Please keep an eye out for it!
Further information is available on the Department’s website
Important Information Safeguard Training
Safeguarding Children and Young People Mandatory Training
Important information for anyone wishing to volunteer in our school.
Please email your completed certificates to along with your working with vulnerable people card, please see link below for WWVP.
Apply for registration to work with vulnerable people: RwVP - Application Start (