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Kinder/Prep/1 Communication Pouches


Leading with Compassion Workshop









Dear Parent/Carer,


As you may already be aware, Swansea Primary School is a b kinder school. Our Grade 6 Leaders have been invited to attend a Leading with Compassion Workshop, held at Lindisfarne Primary School, on Thursday 27th February. The workshop will take place between 9am – 11pm. Taroona Primary School, Lansdowne Cresent Primary School and Lindisfarne Primary School student leaders will also be in attendance. Catherine Kolomyjec, a trauma-specialist social worker and one of Standford’s Global Ambassadors for Applied Compassion will be leading the workshop, and she will be discussing Compassionate Leadership with the students with an emphasis on teaching them the physiological and psychological benefits of being kind.


We will be taking a bus to the workshop and leaving school at 7:00am sharp. At the conclusion of the workshop, students will be given the opportunity to buy their lunch at McDonalds or Zambrero in Rosny Park. We will then head to either Bellerive Beach Park or Kangaroo Bay Parklands (time permitting) prior to leaving Hobart at 12:45pm, to be back in time for the 2:45pm school bus.


Students are required to bring:

  • Morning tea
  • Drink bottle
  • Money for a store-bought lunch, or a packed lunch
  • Full school uniform
  • A hat

Students are required to follow school behavioural expectations in the lead up to, and on the day of the event. If you have any questions regarding the day, please contact me through the school office. 


School Lunch Program

Due to unforeseen circumstances we will not be serving Moroccan Lamb for lunch today, we will be having Lasagne.

School Lunch Program - Moroccan Lamb and Rice with Fruit Yoghurt


The School Lunch Program will be serving Moroccan Lamb and rice, and fruit yoghurt today.

Grade 2/3 Sparshott

Could all Grade 2/3 children please remember their homework book tomorrow.

School Lunch Program - Butter Chicken with Rice

The School Lunch Program will be serving Butter Chicken with rice today.

Swimming and Water Safety Forms

All Swimming and Water Safety Program Forms and Minor Excursion Consent Forms need to be returned to school by this Friday 21 February.

Swan vs Oyster Athletics Carnival

Our Swan vs Oyster school Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday 21st March, from 9:15am. Spectators are welcome, we hope to see you there!

Swimming and Water Safety Program

Our Learn to Swim program starts next week! Please make sure that you have returned your child's permission form by the end of this week. 


February 14 Newsletter

Click here to view the February 14 Schoolzine eNewsletter!

25 Franklin Street
Swansea TAS 7190

Phone: 03 6257 8126